Bathroom design and installation is a little more complex than many people imagine and it is just as important to know what to avoid as what to include.  When you are starting out planning your bathroom renovation, some knowledge of both simple and more complex technical issues will help you keep your plans realistic and practical.  Based on our years of experience, we have assembled some tips to help you avoid some big mistakes.  Believe me, I have made many of these over the years and learned from them!

Our Tips for issues to avoid.

Don't assume your existing layout is the best that can be done, but consider can any elements be moved to a better location?  Would this improve the functionality and the aesthetics of your bathroom? You need to balance the cost of such changes against the potential benefit, and don't loose sight of your budget.

Never order anything until you have checked its size.  Pictures can deceive, so make sure before you buy that your chosen item will fit into your room.
Just as important is to make sure anything you are buying can actually be brought into your bathroom.  Steep stairs, narrow doorways, low ceilings and tight turns can make it impossible to actually lift some items into your room.  So its not just about the internal fit in the bathroom but can your chosen item actually be carried into the room?

Don't ignore installation costs when setting out your budget.  Installation is a major part of a bathroom renovation cost and can represent half or maybe more of the total price. Ignore installation and your figures will be way out.
Of course you might be able to do some of the work yourself and save a bit.  That's great if you actually know what you are doing, but don't attempt anything you are unsure about. Having a professional fix your botch job will cost even more!